Prince Upi

Prince Upi
hi iam prince upi an welcome in my site this is about Prince Upi. Join to Prince upi fans to start connecting with Prince Upi. Okay, where should I start?? i am is simpe life, easy going, keep smiling ,177 cm, weight 70 I am outgoing, patient, moody, complicated, cheerful, talkative, caring, loving, understanding, a good listener and pretty open-minded about anything. I hate close-minded people. Someone who thinks he is better than everyone else, I mean, WAKE UP?!! We are the same in God's eyes... I love dancing, listening to all kinds of music especially songs with beautiful lyrics. I am a music freak, movie bug and a... FASHIONISTA!! (maybe that's why I am a big spender... ;p). I believe in God and karma. I believe that we'll get something in return in everything we do. I hate judgemental people. People who is such a know-all. I am who I am and I'm not gonna change myself for any particular reasons. You should respect yourself because if it's not you then WHO ELSE WILL?? Always treat someone like you wanna be treated. Last but not least, I'm gonna leave you with these deep thought look the other my site in

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

prince upi nature balance

"keseimbangan alam memang perlu kita di jaga sebagai mahluk yang mempunyai akal dan pikiran manusia seharusnya yang memiliki tanggung jawab untuk menjaganya bukan malah sebalinya menghancurkan alam (Prince Upi)" kutipan ini kami ambil dalam journal of nature berdasarkan dari buku karangan prince upi yang berjudul Back To nature become to paradise, beberapa waktu lalu kami sempat mewawancarai prince upi sebagai pengarang buku ada hal menarik yang ia katakan yaitu kehidupan keanekaragaman hayati itu harus lah seimbang jika keseimnbangan itu terganggu atau terusik maka bencana lah yang akan datang " begitu kata prince upi yang merupakan aktivis lingkungan yang juga sekaligus sebagai prince

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